Tips & Tricks

Understanding Specimen Routing Purge of Data Elements


Are you using the following data elements in rules? Run Count Previous Test Error Previous Test Dilution Test User Persistent Field 1-5 If you are, it should be noted that these data elements are stored in the Specimen Routing database not in the Specimen Management database. This is important because the Purge setting for the...

License Files: How to load them


Instrument Manager™ (IM) License Files are a key component to ensuring your IM functions properly. NOTE If this is your first time seeing the term IM License File, we suggest reading the December 2020 article titled “Licensing and Installation” as it provides a foundational understanding of the specific files needed for IM. Now...

How to use the “24-Hour pButtons” importable task


Downloading “24-Hour pButtons” in Instrument Manager (IM) can help you monitor the performance of your IM system. You can check baseline performance information and troubleshoot performance issues if they arise. Read on to learn how to download, install, and remove the “24-hour pButtons” task. To Install: Download the 24hourpbuttons.xml file onto each Instrument Manager...

On the Thin Client: Why do I get a “Cannot Connect to Server” message?


Scenario:When trying to launch Instrument Manager™ (IM) from Thin Client, the following message appears: Potential reasons this happened: Caché is not running IM is not installed on Thin Client IM shared folder on the Primary system permissions (read/write/modify) not granted correctly to the logged in user IM shortcut target field did not have correct domain...

Previous Results and Test Naming


Test names play a large role in determining the functionality for previous result values in Instrument Manager™ (IM). This article has some examples to help determine when test names should be unique versus identical. Here's the criteria by which previous results are considered to be related: Previous results are derived by three...

Understanding Anatomic Pathology HL7 Messages


Anatomic Pathology (AP) HL7 messages are structured differently than clinical chemistry or hematology HL7 messages. The first step in understanding Anatomic Pathology HL7 messages is to understand the structure of an AP case. AP cases are comprised of four distinct layers of information in a hierarchy. Each case has one...

Understanding Anatomic Pathology HL7 Messages


Anatomic Pathology (AP) HL7 messages are structured differently than clinical chemistry or hematology HL7 messages. The first step in understanding Anatomic Pathology HL7 messages is to understand the structure of an AP case. AP cases are comprised of four distinct layers of information in a hierarchy. Each case has one...

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